My unit1 experience at Masai School

Suraj Kumar
2 min readMay 11, 2022

Week 1

During the week1's first day and the second day we had orientation sessions in which they shared all details about curriculum, placements, and students’ dos and don’t, we had a alumni and current student insights session and connected with the student experience team, an open house discussion with the placement team.

introduction to computer fundamentals, problem-solving, & critical thinking,

introduction to soft skills

introduction to data structures & algorithms

In Javascript, we have learned, variables, mathematical operators, and comparison operators and also get assignments on all to solve.

In Soft skills, 7 habits of highly effective students at Masai School

Alumni and current student insights session


In Javascript, we have learned, conditional statements, logical operators, while loops, for loops, nested loops, and solved assignments on all topics.

We have also a session on alignment where we got to know about which mistakes we have to not make, task management where we got to know about how we have to manage our tasks using the todoist app, and a GitHub session.


On Monday we have given an evaluation on the topic we have covered till week2.

In Javascript, we learned arrays, strings, and functions and solved assignments on all the topics.

In dsa, we learned primitive and abstract data structure, arrays, and strings and solved everyday dsa contests.


On Monday we have given an evaluation on the topic we have covered till week3.

In Javascript, we learned objects, object methods, and multidimensional arrays and solved assignments on all the topics.

In dsa, we learned about brute force and multidimensional arrays and solved everyday dsa contests.


On Monday we have given an evaluation on the topic we have covered till week4.

And learned about input taking, in dsa traversals and diagonals, and transpose and rotation.

On Friday we have given a unit evaluation on the topic we covered in the whole unit.

Every day we had a session on soft skills and in the evening standup, our IA cleared our doubts, and every Saturday we had one code talk session with a new guest.

I feel very easy Unit1 but I think that was only the trailer but picture will start from unit2 and I am ready for that.

Now our unit2 journey will begin.

You can check out my YouTube video also

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Suraj Kumar

Learning Mern Stack , Aspiring Full Stack Developer